This is the subterranean slum. I imagined a network of huge tunnels during the late hours .. also can be called as 0-volt land because of the tiny yellow bulbs lighting the slum all through 24hrs...
this is the aerial view of fort of KARTAVEERYA... a dormant volcanic crater like formation... a natural fort and a strategic location.. there is PARASURAM (mythical) overlooking the fort..
This is the lab where the organtics are produced. The overview looks like a nuclear power plant... This is not the final ..yet to be logically consolidated..
Islands or new lands are formed by volcanic activity under the earth's crust which when flows out and gets cooled to become solid. Here a scientist is overlooking at the lava flow..
This is done by layer composite method of finding unique shapes and patterns using abstract black & white thumbnails. I have not come to logical conclusion of the elements in this ...anyone out there on live wire help me....